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我不知道我是否能成为一名成功的老师,如果我没有 studied abroad in 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷, through CEA. As a first-year Spanish teacher, 我和大家分享了很多在布宜诺斯艾利斯留下的美好回忆. I talk about the 肉馅卷饼跳探戈,看Iguazú瀑布,这是我一生中最壮观的景象之一.

I’ve always known that I wanted to be a teacher, 这是我在七年级时做出的决定. 我一直认为自己很幸运,因为我知道自己注定要做什么——现在我是一名高中教师, 当我的学生们在决定大学专业时,我看到他们脸上的担忧. Since the seventh grade, 从那以后,我在学业上迈出的每一步都有助于我成为一名成功的教师. 

At first, I wanted to teach English. I always knew that I loved languages and words. Grammar has always been interesting to study, and as a teacher, it is one of my favorite subjects to teach. 在我高一的时候,我选了第一年的法语. 我非常喜欢学习一门外语——有新的语法规则要学, new stories to be told, and new cultures to learn. 后来到了高中,我决定学西班牙语,我更喜欢这门语言了.


我很幸运在高中有一位很棒的西班牙语老师,他帮助我培养了对外语的热爱. 她不仅热爱和尊重西班牙语言和文化, 但她是一位杰出的老师,鼓励我成为一个更好的人, 整体. During my senior year of high school, 我决定在当地大学修西班牙语双学分课程. 那门课的西班牙语教授是一位阿根廷女性,她让我开始思考 studying abroad 在阿根廷.

高中毕业后,我去了肯塔基州伯里亚的伯里亚学院. 伯里亚学院是一所令人惊叹的学院,我对此深表感激. As a student who grew up financially poor, 我能够从伯里亚学院的零学费承诺中受益, 这意味着他们不会向任何被大学录取的人收取学费. The course load is also academically rigorous, so as a Spanish major, 我学到了很多关于西班牙语言和文化的知识. As a language major at Berea College, 预计学生将在大学的最后几个学期宝博体育.

At Berea College, 他们为学生支付高达60%的留学费用, no matter the cost, with no questions asked. With that in mind, 我知道我可以宝博体育,不用担心能否负担得起留学费用,也不用担心未来的债务. 我知道我想去阿根廷,但我不知道我想通过哪家公司留学. 

通过谷歌搜索,我找到了CEA的布宜诺斯艾利斯项目, 我立刻就爱上了这个项目——它提供了很多短途旅行, so much support, and a multitude of experiences to feel like a porteno. In a matter of days, I applied to the program. 很快,我就收到了CEA团队的电话通知, 同时,我也很幸运地获得了CEA的奖学金,这有助于降低这次旅行的费用. Within the next year, there were many meetings, 调用, 以及CEA和我之间发送的帮助我准备宝博体育的邮件, and after each message sent and received, I became more and more excited.

很快,一月来临了,我准备飞往阿根廷. 一到布宜诺斯艾利斯,我就被一位CEA成员接走,送到了我的寄宿家庭. For the next seven months, 我学到了很多西班牙语技能,这比我的西班牙语专业对我的帮助更大. I learned all the cool lunfardo, talked to the very warm and welcoming people, 交了很多阿根廷朋友,我每天都很想念他们. 我能够去很多国家旅行,体验很多不同的文化和地方. I got to experience Carnaval in Río de Janeiro, 巴西, tour the wineries in Mendoza, 阿根廷, visit the beautiful Iguazú Falls, and visit the beautiful country of Uruguay. 

All along the way, no matter where I went, 我学到了大量的词汇和语法技能,这些都帮助我在课堂上成功地教授西班牙语. Whether it was during my home-stay, at the university, or on the streets, 我总是说西班牙语,每天学习新东西. 毫无疑问,在布宜诺斯艾利斯的学习为我成为一名优秀的老师做好了充分的准备.

蔡斯·麦考伊(Chase McCoy)是在布宜诺斯艾利斯留学的CEA校友, 阿根廷, during the Spring 2019 semester. He is a graduate of Berea College.

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